Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Contribution to Help Ondoy Victims is a Still Life Photo

Since the devastation that was Typhoon Ondoy hit Luzon, I had a need to help and maybe even encourage others to also contribute through my efforts. This urged me to do something on a deeper level other than just through monetary donation.

This very same spirit must have been present in my batch mate, Jay Abello -- because a few days after the tragedy he contacted me on Facebook asking if I would be interested in being a part of a fundraising photo exhibit. Yes! My love for photography becomes my means of contributing. After giving my resounding yes, Jay sent me the details:

My own way of helping Typhoon Ondoy victims
A La Salle Bacolod batch effort fundraiser
My contribution is a still life photo
by Jay Abello and the Tapulanga Group

This is my entry entitled 'Initial Thrill'

My other samples:

We hope that this would at least bring them some comfort this Christmas.

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