Friday, November 13, 2009

Crazy Fun with Crazy Friends

Pictures taken last July 7, 2009 during our visit to Manila. After having dinner at Greenbelt and walking around, we decided to have a few drinks at the condo.

Too bad Steph had to leave for work; she missed seeing Madel work the pole, hear Ghie's snarky comments, Madel being all girly because Jomi was around, Ghie wearing a feather in her hair and of course the clincher: Jeng pass out after less than one bottle.

We even watched Drinking Boys by DJ Ozma Warning NSFW! Check out our reactions in the photo. Sorry guys this took so long to be posted :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Contribution to Help Ondoy Victims is a Still Life Photo

Since the devastation that was Typhoon Ondoy hit Luzon, I had a need to help and maybe even encourage others to also contribute through my efforts. This urged me to do something on a deeper level other than just through monetary donation.

This very same spirit must have been present in my batch mate, Jay Abello -- because a few days after the tragedy he contacted me on Facebook asking if I would be interested in being a part of a fundraising photo exhibit. Yes! My love for photography becomes my means of contributing. After giving my resounding yes, Jay sent me the details:

My own way of helping Typhoon Ondoy victims
A La Salle Bacolod batch effort fundraiser
My contribution is a still life photo
by Jay Abello and the Tapulanga Group

This is my entry entitled 'Initial Thrill'

My other samples:

We hope that this would at least bring them some comfort this Christmas.

Configure Your Linksys Router for Globe WiMax

Configuring Your LinkSys WRT54G Router for Internet Access using Globe EchoLife BM625 WiMax

  1. Change your LinkSys Router's IP Address to a different one; mine was previously and is now To do this, Go to Setup > Basic > Network Setup - Router IP. Then click Save Settings.
  2. Access your Router (via web browser) by typing in the URL bar the new IP address: then enter your Username and Password. If you haven't changed this since you got the router, then the default access is still Username: admin, Password: admin.
  3. Once you are in, connect the wire provided by Globe (yellow cable) to the WRT54G's Ethernet LAN (any port will do) and not on WAN Internet; WRT54G has 4 LAN ports. Make sure that you also have the cable connected to BM625's LAN (any port will do); BM625 also has 4 LAN ports.
  4. Still accessing your Router, go to Setup > Basic > Network Setup - Network Address Server Settings (DHCP) and Disable DHCP Server; Save Settings.

And that's it. You should now have wireless internet access anywhere in your home.