Friday, December 10, 2010

It all Matters at The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf

I've been an avid fan of The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, most especially their African Sunrise tea latte, since it arrived here in Manila. They offered great tasting high quality coffee and tea, and the service was amazing. The staff were all very friendly and would go the extra mile just for the sake of helping.

Recently though I've been shocked and disappointed with the service, and dare I say it, the quality of their coffee! Hygiene is also fast becoming an issue.

The staff has greatly changed from smiling, friendly and helpful to brusque, inefficient and frustrating. Maybe it is because of the holiday rush or maybe they are just tired after a long day's shift. Service with a smile?

Last Wednesday I was in the Fort with my family and decided to visit The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf there for our daily dose of coffee. My husband and I both ordered The The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, Mocha and Vanilla respectively. After getting our drinks we joined his brother and his friends outside so they could smoke. Halfway through with his drink my husband complained that he was having a hard time getting the drink through the straw because there were large pieces of ice in it. Surprised and wanting to prove him wrong I sipped from his drink, lo and behold several pieces of ice the size of a mongo bean! Perfectly blended?

Wanting to salvage the drink and reputation of The The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, I went inside and explained the situation to one of the staff. She said that it was already watery and half finished. I showed her the bottom of the drink where several pieces of ice can still be seen, and smilingly explained The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf's policy of smoothly blended The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf drinks. She took the drink, dumped the whole thing into the blender, reblended it, returned the now smooth drink into the same cup and handed it back to me. I was horrified and almost speechless, the only thing I can utter was, "That's your solution? Wow...". I was in a daze when I returned to our table. Helpful and hygienic much?

After a thorough talking to from my sister in law, they finally conceded and offered to replace the drink. Needless to say, my husband did not touch it even with a ten-foot pole.Such a waste?

Oh, and the person who re-blended the drink was the shift supervisor. Who supervises her?

Thursday I was craving for my favorite tea latte, African Sunrise woot! so we went to visit The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf in Greenbelt 3. It was served in a mug and I was really savoring it until I spied the pink lipstick mark in the area where I was drinking from. I felt so violated, I unintentionally kissed a girl. Which I guess is okay if she was really a girl, but this is Makati for crying out loud! This area has the most beautiful transgender ladies around... well, I guess its okay as well because they are really beautiful. Something wrong with the dishwasher?

What is happening to The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf? Does this matter?


Sunday, May 16, 2010


A local natural wellness center in Bacolod City promoting health and healing. They wanted a logo that reflects the name of the company, Bahaghari means rainbow in Filipino, and that it was all organic and pure.

Corporate Identity

Website Design

Friday, November 13, 2009

Crazy Fun with Crazy Friends

Pictures taken last July 7, 2009 during our visit to Manila. After having dinner at Greenbelt and walking around, we decided to have a few drinks at the condo.

Too bad Steph had to leave for work; she missed seeing Madel work the pole, hear Ghie's snarky comments, Madel being all girly because Jomi was around, Ghie wearing a feather in her hair and of course the clincher: Jeng pass out after less than one bottle.

We even watched Drinking Boys by DJ Ozma Warning NSFW! Check out our reactions in the photo. Sorry guys this took so long to be posted :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Contribution to Help Ondoy Victims is a Still Life Photo

Since the devastation that was Typhoon Ondoy hit Luzon, I had a need to help and maybe even encourage others to also contribute through my efforts. This urged me to do something on a deeper level other than just through monetary donation.

This very same spirit must have been present in my batch mate, Jay Abello -- because a few days after the tragedy he contacted me on Facebook asking if I would be interested in being a part of a fundraising photo exhibit. Yes! My love for photography becomes my means of contributing. After giving my resounding yes, Jay sent me the details:

My own way of helping Typhoon Ondoy victims
A La Salle Bacolod batch effort fundraiser
My contribution is a still life photo
by Jay Abello and the Tapulanga Group

This is my entry entitled 'Initial Thrill'

My other samples:

We hope that this would at least bring them some comfort this Christmas.

Configure Your Linksys Router for Globe WiMax

Configuring Your LinkSys WRT54G Router for Internet Access using Globe EchoLife BM625 WiMax

  1. Change your LinkSys Router's IP Address to a different one; mine was previously and is now To do this, Go to Setup > Basic > Network Setup - Router IP. Then click Save Settings.
  2. Access your Router (via web browser) by typing in the URL bar the new IP address: then enter your Username and Password. If you haven't changed this since you got the router, then the default access is still Username: admin, Password: admin.
  3. Once you are in, connect the wire provided by Globe (yellow cable) to the WRT54G's Ethernet LAN (any port will do) and not on WAN Internet; WRT54G has 4 LAN ports. Make sure that you also have the cable connected to BM625's LAN (any port will do); BM625 also has 4 LAN ports.
  4. Still accessing your Router, go to Setup > Basic > Network Setup - Network Address Server Settings (DHCP) and Disable DHCP Server; Save Settings.

And that's it. You should now have wireless internet access anywhere in your home.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Goodnight, Angel

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am in a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow.
I am the gentle showers of rain,
I am the fields of ripening grain.
I am in the morning hush,
I am in the graceful rush
Of beautiful birds in circling flight,
I am the starshine of the night.
I am in the flowers that bloom,
I am in a quiet room.
I am in the birds that sing,
I am in each lovely thing.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there. I do not die.

- Mary Elizabeth Frye

Farrah Fawcett
February 2, 1947 - June 25, 2009

Total Mudness!

Jomi secured a position with the other photographers while I mingled with the audience. The excitement was palpable. We had a preview of their mud painted bodies while we were waiting for the show to start, and was now anticipating how they will showcase their living art.

It was a great show, a lot of brilliant body art coupled with exceptional performances - the most amazing for me was the performance of contestant #3, he resonated with quiet strength, grace and majesty. It reminded me a lot of Kabuki, it wasn't anymore a parade but theatre.

My choices for amazing art: contestants number 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, and 25. Noteworthy performances: 1, 3, 4, 12, 25

One of the contestant was holding a staff/prop on fire, and while he was doing his parade/dance one of his shin guards caught on fire. Admirably he tried to keep on dancing while trying to put it out, unfortunately his accessory was made to be kindle and he had to run off the stage to put it out.

There was a total of 31 contestants and they were cut down to 18. The top 18 were: 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 30.

Then whittled down to 8: 2, 4, 7, 8, 19, 23, 25, 26 and 30.

3rd place - #25 (Prize Php 3,000.00)
2nd place - #4 (Prize Php 4,000.00)
1st place - #2 (Prize Php 6,000.00)

Contestant #25's body paint looked like the pattern of a white tiger, his performance was a real hit - very consistent movements, playful and always in character even while waiting for the judges' decision. The audience loved him! The colors used on him was full white as base with black and gray mud for the patterns.

Contestant #4's body paint looked a lot like the human musculature, it was very very detailed. His head piece and arm guards completed the warrior look, the very long and spiny goatee accessory complemented the look well. His performance was very strong, a lot of stretching and flexing, and he also ran head on into the crowd and did a sudden stop. He exuded strength, confidence and the readiness for war. The colors used on him was reddish brown, black and white.

Contestant #2's body paint was very intricate, on the lower portion were vines climbing up his legs reaching for the sun painted on his chest and back. On his arms were a combination of different patterns - flame-like, swirls, web-like, rock-like textures, etc. His headpiece had feathers and leaves surrounding the Earth. This very much echoes the heart of the festival - Mother Earth... Sanctuary of Life.

All the performers together.

More picture on Jomi's Flicker Photostream

2009 Mudpack Festival
Mambukal Resort
June 20-21
Mother Earth... Sanctuary of Life

Looking forward to next year's festival!